Monday, October 09, 2006


I am drinking less tea thanks to the machine. Wheneve I go into the kitchen the water heater never seems to have hot water above 80 degrees. I managed to get a cup a few minutes ago when it was at 94 degrees. The person behind me was making 3 cups and waited ages for the water to heat up. To get hot water you press the hot water button and it tells you how hot the water is. You then need to press the button to get the water out.
She was a bit slow pressing the button for the water after pressing the 'hot water' button and got cold water in one of the cups.

In the Tesco cafe you get tea in a paper cup with a teabag in it and add the hot water from the machine there. It is always piping hot. You get back to your table and the tea is still too hot to drink. On the instruction card on top of the machine here, it says 'how does your water heater work' someone has written 'very slowly'.

On friday when I took my car to the garage, they made me pay for a replacement fuel cap. They claimed it didn't come under the warranty because it was 'trim'. I am going to write and complain about that.

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