Friday, January 26, 2007

Another Leaver

There another person leaving work and a card is being sent around for everyone to sign. I was talking to him earlier and he confessed to breaking our colour printer. We've been waiting for a week for the spare parts. A lot of the comments on the card are about how he's left the company before but came back several months later. I'll write a comment along the lines of 'better luck with the colour printer in your new place'.
I know he's got a Ford Cmax because I once had to move it in the car park for him. I don't know whether this was before or after he left for the first time.

Monday, January 15, 2007


The buses have been rubbish again. My usual bus route has been changed. The slip road has
been closed near the Kennedy Memorial. The new route goes round the back of the police station.
These road works will be going on for 6 months.
Next time I think I'll try another bus. There's the number 7 which also goes down the same road
but goes a different way.
There's another bus stop other end of town, by the dental hospital but that's too far to walk.

This morning I saw someone I know, a lady who lives nearby. She waved but I didn't have time to speak to her.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Our car has had a dent in the windscreen frame for a while. It happened at the garden centre. I was parked next to a lorry. I reversed into the space and the bottom of his door must have hit it when the driver got back in.

I was going to get it done yesterday while I had the day off. I took it to a place owned by a friend of mine. I was wanting to have it finished while the wife was out so I could point to the car and say the dent has gone. The bloke at the garage is a perfectionist and wouldn't let me have the car back yesterday. Thankfully they managed to sort it out without removing the windscreen otherwise it would have cost more.
They do insurance repairs. Usually they replace entire panels even if there is only a slight dent. He then re-uses the panels after hammering them back in shape. When I went there the place was full of car body panels.
We've had a different car while ours was in - a Fiesta Sport 1.6