Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Dublin and Lakes

We had a flight to Dublin, from Nottingham airport. It only cost us 95p, there no tax, it was some kind of special offer. We did end up paying £25 in the short stay car park though, just for the day. The person we visited was over there for the week, they were surprised at how much I paid. The long stay might have been cheaper.
While in Dublin we went round the Jamesons distillery. It's distilled 3 times, unlike Scotch which is only distilled twice. It's not made there any more, it'd done elsewhere in Ireland now.

Last week were in the Lake District. While we were in Keswick we visited the pencil museum. The famous Cumberland pencils were made there.

We visited the Jennings brewery where they make Sneck Lifter. Sneck is latch. The sixpence on the sign was how much needed to get into the pub at the end of the week, after you'd spent all your wages. You could only afford to buy one drink then hopefully get your mates to buy the rest.

Another place had a rock xylophone - presumably from a prehistoric rock band. We were also at the wettest place in britain. On a clear day you could see over to scotland.

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