Thursday, May 04, 2006

Holly Bush

The next thing we're going to do to the house is sort out the drive. Theres a big holly bush with some smaller varieties alongside which are still big. The big one is on the corner of the drive. When we back out of the drive we swing round to face the main road, looking up the road to check for cars zooming down the hill from the estate. You've also got to watch out for the front of the car hitting the bush. I'm going to get it cut back. It's not just the spikes, it's the branches. They are quite thick. It's not going to be easy to dig it out because it's been there 30 years. The roots are going to be big.
It would be useful to have double drive. We've got a long drive so if someone wants to go out in
the first car then we have to move both cars.
The bush in wrong place really. It gives no privacy, it doesn't block the view from the road.
A person walks past same time each day and seems to stare into the house. We've got those vertical blinds to try to block the view. We don't want to close the curtains. The window is split so there are actually 4 curtains. We have a long lounge and it gets dark at the far end.

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