Monday, April 16, 2007


It's a good job I went home at lunchtime yesterday to check on our new driveway. The builders had taped it off but one of the local kids still managed to ride his bike over the narrow strip between the start of the concrete and the tape.

I phoned their office and in 10-15 minutes someone came round and sorted it out.
The kid claimed he swerved to avoid a wasp.

We've now got a double width driveway. There used to be a round manhole in the iddle of the grass but it's now in drive area. They've also got rid of the ridge in the drive which used to collect water when it rained. They've cut expansion lines according to some formula. There are 2 lines making a cross shape. They are going to come back to fill it with the black stuff.

The driveway is thick concrete - nearly 2 inches with hardcore below that.

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