Thursday, April 12, 2007

New Drive

We're having our drive re-done. They've already put down the hardcore. I'm going home at lunchtime so I can see what they're doing.

They are going to pour concrete over to make it nice and flat. Currently the manhole cover is raised at end of driveway near garage. There is the metal 'frame' on top of hole with the cover on it. There's also a round manhole to one side - this used to be in the middle of the lawn but it's going to be all concrete there too.

The manhole cover catches on the bottom of the car if it's fully loaded eg. when coming back from holiday. It scrapes, not damaging car though.

Our old neighbour had drive done a few years ago. Whoever did it put flags over drive which raised the level up to where the damp proof course was. They probably thought because it was an old woman living on her own they could get away with a shoddy job. Her husband might have been alive at the time actually. The new owners ripped up the drive so no there's no problem now. They've put the lawn there. The bloke living there has a van. I think he's a gas engineer or something.

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